Baby Passport Photo
Get perfect baby passport photos from home without stress.
How to take your own biometric photo
Get the perfect biometric ID photo in 3 minutes or less.
Check out just how easy it is!
Take or upload a photo
First, snap a photo or upload one from your device. Our photo editing tool will help you frame the picture correctly.
Get your photo fine-tuned by AI
Next, AI fine-tunes your photo by adapting the background to meet all requirements. It also crops and resizes the image.
Let our experts verify the pictures
Finally, one of our experts carefully verifies the picture against official requirements. You get the feedback in under a minute.
Enjoy your new photos
Your 100% compliant photos are ready for instant download. You can also order printouts and get them delivered to your door.
Tips for taking your own biometric photos
Follow these steps to get the best results
Mind the distance
Pose 4–6 feet (1–2 meters) from the camera. Use a timer to take your photo or have someone snap it for you.
Face the camera directly
Keep your head straight. Avoid tilting your body or looking away. Remember: portrait mode is not suitable for any ID photos.
Ensure good lighting
Take your photos in daylight e.g., next to a bright window. Shadows on your face or in the background are not allowed.
UK baby passport photos in a nutshell

Is it suitable for online submission?
Is it printable?
Need more details? Read the information below
Can I take a baby’s passport photo myself?
Yes, you can! Taking passport photos yourself is not only possible, it’s super easy. At home, you can take all the time you need, set everything up in a familiar place, and ensure your baby is relaxed.
With our app, you don’t even have to set up a plain background: the AI system will remove any unwanted element or pattern, and our experts will double check the quality of your picture.
Where to get baby passport photos?
Many of the most popular services are not suitable for a newborn baby passport photo. If your child cannot stand straight on their own, a booth is not a viable option. One service that claims to be equipped to take an infant’s passport photo is Snappy Snaps.
Alternatively, our software can help you take perfect passport pictures for your baby from the comfort of your own home with a 100% guarantee of compliance with the official requirements.
Where can I get a baby passport photo near me?
The most straightforward way to find a service that takes baby passport photos is to use your search engine of choice, type “baby passport photo near me”, and see which is the closest option in your area. However, be sure to double check that they offer passport pictures for infants as not everyone has the right equipment.
You may also want to check for professional photography studios in your area. If they take passport and ID pictures, they’ll most likely be able to take a baby passport picture.
How can I get a digital photo for my baby's passport?
The most common way to get a digital passport photo in the UK is a photo booth. Many of these machines provide both printouts and a code.
However, the infant needs to be able to sit at the right height on their own, as nobody else can be in the picture.
To take a passport photo for a baby at home, just use your smartphone to snap the picture and upload it to our app to have it adapted and checked immediately. We can remove anything from the background, shadows and hands included.
Can a child's mouth be open in a passport photo?
Only if the child is less than 12 months old. Older children have to keep their mouths closed and their eyes open.
Can babies smile in passport photos?
Yes, the official UK passport photo requirements state that children under the age of 6 don’t have to keep a neutral expression in the picture.
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